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Classes Offered

PenDOG offers a variety of classes ranging from Puppy Kindergarten to Competition Obedience to Agility to Scent Work to Barn Hunt.  All instructors are volunteers and the collected fees pay the club's rent and utilities.


Competition Obedience

Train your dog in precision obedience in preparation for competing in AKC Obedience.


Canine Good Citizen



A fast-paced sport where the handler guides the dog through a course of jumps, tunnels, weaves and obstacles.


Manners for the Family Dog



How closely does your dog meet its breed standard? The purpose of conformation is to evaluate the dog's breeding quality based on structure, movement and temperament.


Puppy Kindergarten

Train your dog to be a valued member of your family and the community.  At the end of the class, pass the CGC testing and earn and AKC title.

A beginning obedience class to train your dog in basic manners to enable him to become the best companion possible.

This is a class for puppies to begin learning basic manners and work on socialization and confidence skills.

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