Puppy Kindergarten
DATE: Every Friday - Ongoing
INSTRUCTORS: Sara Fann & Linda Tannehill
EMAIL: Fannsea@gmail.com
ORIENTATION (new students): 5:00
LENGTH: 1 hour once a week for 6 weeks
COST: $70​
This is a class for puppies to begin learning basic manners and work on socialization and confidence skills.
Puppies need to be at least 8 weeks old and must have their first set of vaccines.
The class is on-going, there is no set start or end date. Students buy a punch card of 4 lessons for $50 or 6 weeks for $70. If the student needs to miss a week or is out of town they can still get all their class sessions.
Orientation for new students is at 5pm on Fridays, returning students come at 5:30pm
You must contact the instructor fannsea@gmail.com to reserve your spot.