The Family Dog
DATE: Contact Ronda to be notified when class is scheduled.
INSTRUCTOR: Ronda Oglesby
COST: $100

This class is taught using the Canine Good Citizens (CGC) testing material. I am not sure If or When we will be offering CGC testing. If enough people are interested, I am sure we can present it to the PenDOG Board to set a date and time.
Training your dog is like learning a new language. The language in this class will take about 4 weeks. That is a pretty short period of time to learn a new language! The communication you will have with your dog for the next 10+? Years will be wonderful. Imagine living with someone all those years and not speaking their language…That would be very difficult. So I am asking you to prioritize your training and commit to it. The benefits are immeasurable.
We use flat collars while we train on this property. No prong collars, No choke chains, No Electrical Devices. Flat collars, a six foot leash, and lots of small treats. Yes to harnesses. Yes to head halter if needed. Just know that you can’t use the harnesses in some ‘events – trials – tests’. Please bring dog’s proof of shot record receipt to the first class. Also bring your dog hungry, with small soft tasty treats.
Class size is limited to 10 and you must email the instructor to sign up for class and/or for additional information.