Disc Dog
Intro to teaching the dog how to catch a disc (frisbee). Depending on how far the dogs get we may be able to do simple tricks. Hoping to get dogs to a point where they can compete. This class will be 6 weeks long and the cost is $90.
Bring your dog (of course!), shot records, soft chewy treats in a side pouch or front pouch (hoodie type sweaters work AWESOME!), 6ft leash (non-retractable), and a flat-buckle collar.
Not required but if you have one, bring a soft frisbee or one that’s not hard on the dogs mouth. The instructor will bring some to class for the dogs to use during class. If you want to get your own frisbee, they can be purchased at Petco.
Class will start Saturday, February 13th at 3:00pm.
Class size is limited to 6 and you must contact the instructor to reserve your spot. Contact Miranda Rizzo by phone 740-3166 or message her on Facebook by private message.
Students are welcome to wear a mask but it is not required, nor will the instructor be wearing one.